Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Tangled Web

On Sunday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a self-described Catholic, touted the virtues of birth control as a means of reducing the liability for states and municipalites, since, if there are fewer persons born there will be fewer persons requiring government services. The contraception funding was included as part of the conimic stimulus package being considered by Congress. This actually makes sense for fans of eugenics. If we provide family planning service gratis to low income citizens, they will breed fewer low income children, children who will require silly things like education and health care. That's brilliant! Hooray for the eimination of the unfit. Margaret Sanger would be so proud. You can see the interview here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFU_jE9WasM .

Late Monday, President Obama leapt to the aid of the economic stimulus package encouraging Congressional Democrats to delete the family planning funding. What's that about? The most ardent anti-life President ever elected is ditching a program that that further undermines the idea of individual responsibility! A couple of possibilities exists:

1. Nancy Pelosi really is that radical and believes every word she said. The President holds her point of view as well, but realizes that the Democratic Party leadership's Freudian slip is showing, and in an attempt to pull the skirts back down over the slip, he spoke out.

2. Nancy Pelosi really is that radical and believes every word she said. The President holds her point of view as well. he two get on the phone and cook up a plot whereby the President can appear to be the voice of reason and moderation on a hot button issue like eugenics.

3. The President disagrees with Ms Pelosi and is horrified that she could even have said such a thing out loud.

There is no possibility that Ms Pelosi is not a eugenicist. There is little possibility that the President is not either. Call me a cynic, but I'm going with option #2. It's "good cop, bad cop" on a grand scale. Nancy Pelosi is not a stupid woman, she wouldn't put such views on display without good purpose. Watch for more of this type of political theater from the jesters of the art of governance.

Til next time, all the best. Joe

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