Monday, January 5, 2009

Blogging Lessons Learned

This post marks my thirty second attempt at writing something meaningful. This means that over the period of approximately two months, I've managed a month's worth of writing, a milestone of sorts, I think. That's far better than I thought I'd be able to manage. That's my first "lesson learned", I suppose. Here are some more things I've learned.

I've learned not to title posts until I've finished writing. There's an interesting reason for this. What I intend to write, and what actually ends up on the page are never the same...never. I'm not sure how that happens. Truly amazing! "The best laid plans of mice and men..." I guess.

Right alongside that bizarre occurrence, I find that multiple ideas will often find expression on the same page. This is surely a function of my "attention deficit disorder". I find myself scratching the surface in one post of some subject which deserves its own consideration. Maintaining focus on the subject at hand gets difficult. There seems to be so much that needs to be said all at once. Often the distraction is overwhelming.

Sometimes, too, in the interest of timeliness, I find myself writing in haste and I fail to do justice to the subject on which I'm writing. It's difficult to reread a post and realize how much I've managed to leave unsaid on a particular topic because of my haste. On the other hand, I find myself, from time to time, truncating important thoughts in the interests of brevity.

Another problem I have is that I don't seem to be a very original thinker. Not that I plagiarize the work of others, but I do often find myself feeding off of the thoughts of others. Hopefully, I don't simply regurgitate what I've read or heard elsewhere. Ideally, I develop thoughts off the thinking of others.

Oh, and did I mention punctuation? I seem to have fallen in love with the idea of the comma. I'll stick a comma in a sentence at the drop of a hat. Is it possible to disable one's comma key? This is a technical issue which bears some looking into. Either that, or I could marry the comma. That may be a bit much though. But, if a man can marry another man, or a woman another woman; since "love is love", why should I not be allowed to consummate my love affair with the comma and bring it to its full fruition? This may cause problems with my relationship with the semicolon...but what the hell.

While I'm dwelling on technical issues, God bless the inventor of the spellcheck feature! Not that I can't spell, I can, and quite well. But I cannot type worth a tinker's damn. Without spellcheck, I'm quite certain you'd think me a moron (if you don't already). I also have a penchant for hitting the semicolon key instead of the apostrophe key when writing contractions. It must be a common error since my spellcheck seeems to pick up on it. Truly awesome!

Finally, I find it difficult to accept, and I'm sure that you, dear reader, are amazed to hear as well how little the world seems to care about what Henzler thinks. This realization has left me quite flabbergasted. Thirty one posts in approximately two months and only five comments, three of which are mine. Changing the world is going to be much more work, I see now, than I imagined it was going to be when I founded this little corner of the ether. I imagined so much more interaction. Truly, this has been my greatest disappointment. I really need some affirmation.

So, there it is, my friend. That is everything I've managed to learn is a month's worth of posts. If you, dear reader, have any further observations or comments, please feel free to address them here. I'd be delighted to respond.

And, as always, til next time, all the best. Joe

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